Two Zithers for sale

Do you have information regarding zither supplies, such as rings, strings, tables and sheet music? Are you looking for a reliable zither, or have one to sell?

Moderator: Dave

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Re: Two Zithers for sale

Post by Musicmaker »

Hi Tom,
I do not know what you would expect to pay for a decent zither but I thought the price I paid was reasonable.
I have indeed been in contact with Ilse Harris and bought two of her tutors plus the cds.
I have asked her if she knows anyone that would want one but she doesnt.
I am still waiting for you to answer my question on the forum.
I asked how you were progressing but did not hear from you.
No matter......I realise people have their agenda and lives to live.
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Re: Two Zithers for sale

Post by NutmegCT »

Pete: "I asked how you were progressing but did not hear from you."

Tom: Very slowly!
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Re: Two Zithers for sale

Post by Musicmaker »

Sorry Tom.
I missed that one.
I am doing okay but probably expect too much.
I will give it another bash on my Meinel.
I get dispondant sometimes.
I hope you are managing slowly with your right hand which you struggle with.
Are you getting the chords yet?
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Re: Two Zithers for sale

Post by NutmegCT »

Good to hear you're not giving in.

I'm continuing, but the metallic buzzing twangy sound is discouraging. I still have to "hunt" for each string - nothing comes naturally. You've made more progress in four months than I've made in four years.

Four years ago a WW2 vet (US Navy) and friend of mine told me how much he loves hearing the zither. So I bought a zither for $100 and started teaching myself. He's now over 90 years old, but my progress on zither has been so slow I'm afraid he won't be around to hear me play anything.

Tom M.
Rudy Mueller
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Re: Two Zithers for sale

Post by Rudy Mueller »

What is more important: Ability to instill self-motivation, or the technical skill level of the teacher?

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Re: Two Zithers for sale

Post by Mrays7945 »

Hi, Pete. Thanks for the pics and pricing. Both instruments look beautiful (with the Meinel especially so). In U.S. parlance an “RVer” is one who owns a recreational vehicle (mine is a class B Pleasure-Way built on a Ford 350 van chassis) and travels around in it. With you in Australia and me in Texas - well... guess I won’t be able to drop by.
My being in Texas raises all sorts of questions re taking up the concert zither besides that of how to acquire such a rare instrument, in the first place. Some are: What would it cost to have an instrument shipped all the way around the world to Texas? How often can I expect string breakage, and where would I acquire new ones? If my zither requires repairs, where would I find a luthier with the know-how? Where can I acquire the seemingly specialized thumb ring? Would I be just nuts at age 73 trying to learn an instrument that, if I get the jist of all the entries on this forum, is so extremely difficult to conquer?
On the other hand, however, Lord, how I love the sound of it!
My best to you and all the other contributers. I hope this finds you all well and happy.
Rudy Mueller
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Re: Two Zithers for sale

Post by Rudy Mueller »

I wish this site had a list of members by home state. As I recall, there are some players in TX

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Re: Two Zithers for sale

Post by Mrays7945 »

That would, indeed, be helpful. Texas has several places, New Braunfels and Fredericksburg to name two, that were settled by German folk in the late 18th and early to mid- 19th centuries; and they have done well in preserving their heritage. It’s likely they brought their zither playing traditions with them. Though, I have to say, that possible fact has not made finding a concert zither in Texas any easier.
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Re: Two Zithers for sale

Post by Andy »

Hello from Austin, M!

I'm not sure about other Zither players yet, however I don't get down to Fredricksburg or New Braunfels often, should really take a trip and explore.

As for the logistics of playing in Texas, I can tell you that it costs around 75 euros to ship a Zither from Germany to the States, not sure about other parts of the world. For Strings, I've actually gotten mine off Amazon of all places. I've purchased two sets to date, and have yet to break a string, knock on wood. If I recall correctly, Dave here on the forums is your hookup for Zither rings. And finally, Terra Nova Violin here in Austin did a great job cleaning up and making basic repairs to my great grandfathers zither, but there are definitely limits to what they can do.

Good luck on your instrument search!
- Andy
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Re: Two Zithers for sale

Post by Mrays7945 »

Hi, Andy.
Thanks for the information. We’re practically neighbors. I live in Georgetown since June of this year.
Knowing I’m an autoharpist, my niece sent me a picture of a zither she came across in an Austin antiques mall, (unfortunately in dire need of repair, with serious cracks in both the front and back boards, which a trip to the mall revealed) which I promptly misidentified as some sort of a “guitar zither” supposing that one picked the melody on the zither-looking part of the instrument, while making the chords in the guitar-looking part.
Oy! What a Rube!!
Out of curiosity I went a’looking on YouTube to see if I could find one and hear what it might sound like. In so doing, I was put straight in the most beautiful way.
What I discovered was the concert zither, and it was love at first sight (well, hearing). I’ve since been watching every Youtube clip I can find. I’m so deeply impressed with what the instrument can do - both in it’s traditional German and Austrian melodies and arrangements and in its versatility in being adaptible to arrangements of every sort of music from classical to pop to swing.
A really beautiful instrument!
Best regards,
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