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Re: Zither tables?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 6:38 pm
by Hobbyop
Hello, sorry this is a pretty late response to this subject. I saw a YouTube video of Magdalena Pedarnig playing her zither on an interesting table with sound holes. I asked her about it and she sent the following response and link:

The table is a special table with four holes in the front (you can put the legs of the tables in them so it's easier to transport) and one on the bottom. It's a "Zithertisch" by Peter Mürnseer. It is this one:

This manufacturer is in Austria (I believe), but it may help some who are looking for a professionally built table.

All the best,

Re: Zither tables?

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 4:54 pm
by Carmen
Hi Folks!

Daves Zither table looks beautiful! My fatherinlaw built a table for me, but I often play on a usual dining table.

Always make sure, that you don't have a "cat paw" possition with your left hand. Your right hand should be easily resting on your Zither, don't hold it up. All your waight is on the downsite of your hand not in your ellbow or shoulder.

I am putting up sitting possitions and hints on my free Discover the Magic of playing Zither FB Group next. There will be pictures and maybe a video.
Check it out:

If you feel you are sitting too low, put 1-3 pillows ontop of your seat. (I often used old phonebooks + 1 pillow, too)

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

happy zithering,