Searching for Staad Staad

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Searching for Staad Staad

Post by Andy »

Hello everyone,

Hope your holidays are off to a good start. I’m a bit late to the Christmas music this year. Was wondering if anyone here might have, or could point me towards, the sheet music for Staad Staad. The rendition I have from the Volkstümliche Series is a bit basic, and I was wondering if there were more elaborate versions floating around.

- Andy
Rudy Mueller
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Re: Searching for Staad Staad

Post by Rudy Mueller »

Hi Andy,

There are many collections entitled "Volkstümliche" Weihnacht. My one version does not contain "Staad Staad". Incidentally, Staad is frequently one of the first tunes taught beginning button box accordionists and others.

Franz Schwinghammer's wonderful collection of "Leichte Stücke für zwei Zithern" contains versions of Staad in volume one for two zithers (page 22) and in volume four for three zithers (page 3). You probably could create your own arrangement starting from these.

Andy, please check your private messages above.

Rudy Mueller
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Location: Grafton WI 53024 RMUELLERMKE@GMAIL.COM

Re: Searching for Staad Staad

Post by Rudy Mueller »

Related item: the "Staader Landler" is a traditional Advent and Christmas standard.

Anyone have a source for notes?

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Re: Searching for Staad Staad

Post by fink »

I want to say that I have a box of old zither music, mostly from Bavaria. I looked quickly through it for Staad and it could still be there? It is a mess and someday I plan to sort it all out. Not sure how to start. Any direction to do this task would be helpful.
Thank you, liz
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