Volkstümliche Zitherschule p27 - Röslein

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Volkstümliche Zitherschule p27 - Röslein

Post by Andy »

Hey folks,

Been about a year now and I’m still at it. Wanted to share where I’m at with you all. I really enjoyed this exercise, I find myself humming it sometimes.


- Andy
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Re: Volkstümliche Zitherschule p27 - Röslein

Post by kenbloom »

Hi Andy,

Good work. You sound great. Let me give you a caution that has plaqued me. You are going to need the little finger on your right hand. Curling it up and keeping it tensed is not going to help. I've been fighting the same thing for years. Try and keep it relaxed. When you start using the little finger to grab contra basses you will be glad that you don't have to overcome the tension of it all curled up. This is one of the bad habits that I got into not realizing the consequences. Don't go down the same painful road that I did. Your tone and all sound very good. Keep it up!

Ken Bloom
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Re: Volkstümliche Zitherschule p27 - Röslein

Post by NutmegCT »

Hi Andy - congratulations on the continued progress!

Say, isn't that a different zither from the one you've played on previous videos?

I remember there was art work on the surface of the earlier instrument, and the turned black "stretcher" of this new one seems to have a light color center.

Tom M.
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Re: Volkstümliche Zitherschule p27 - Röslein

Post by Andy »

Thank you! Thats really good feedback. The little fingers have been a struggle for sure. I’ve given up hope on the left one, it has a mind on of its own. The right one though, I may be able to exert some control over it with practice.

Good eye! It is a different zither. I’ve been playing mostly on the Horst Wünsche that I posted about a little while back. Trying not to put too much wear and tear on the Oscar Otto. At some point I’m hoping to send it out for some repairs, but I’m a bit sentimental about it and have been dragging my feet. It smells like my Grandparent’s house and I’m hesitant to lose that.

- Andy
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Re: Volkstümliche Zitherschule p27 - Röslein

Post by Dave »

Hi Andy,

The right hand pinky is generally found to be a nuisance in the beginning. Some resort to rubber bands in an attempt to tame it, to keep it from waving about or curling up. You may want to try using your 4th and 5th together when pulling the bass strings. This does not limit you in any way if you need to reach for a contra, and your basses may be more pronounced as a result. You may have to adjust your hand position slightly, so that both come into contact with the string at the same time. Effectively, work them as if they were fused together. That is a priceless piece of advice I received from a professional zither player when I was getting started. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Keep up the good work!
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